Storytelling/storyacting residence with kindergarteners at Wickliffe Elementary School in Upper Arlington, OH.
Play production residence with 2nd/3rd graders at Wickliffe Elementary School.
Year-long storytelling/storyacting residence at the BTU School, a BPS Pilot School in Boston, MA.
Storytelling/storyacting residence at Shattuck Child Care Center, Boston, MA.
Is your preschool or elementary school interested in theatre games or storyacting workshops? Contact us!
Partnership with the Charlestown High School internship program
An intern from Charlestown (MA) High joined us weekly in 2012-2013 to share her talents with young children and learn about running a small theatre business. We'd love to work with more youth, so if you know a teenager who is interested in theatre and young children, send her/him our way!
The Boston Public School Storytelling Project
A new initiative in Boston is bringing storytelling and storyacting to all BPS kindergarten classrooms. I blog about this exciting work with some amazing teachers! Check us out at: